za 11 sep - 2021 zaterdag 11 september 2021

LelySTART Afterparty: ECHO


Helaas is dit evenement in verband met de coronamaatregelen geannuleerd.

LelySTART 2021 sluiten we af met drie DJ’s van de bovenste plank om ervoor te zorgen dat die voetjes weer ruimschoots van de vloer kunnen in Corneel. Verwacht deep / progressive house, techno en heerlijke trance zweef-tracks! 

Stefano Richetta
He is the driving force behind one of Holland’s most popular techno organizations that has a reach and fan base till far over the Dutch borders. An untamable dedication and energy that cause good musical vibrations when he is spinning his records. It are a vigorous passion for electronic music that pulses in every fiber of his body and above all a Calvinistic approach to his labor, delivering no nonsense hard work, that brought him from the kick-start of his career as a dj in 1997 to where he stands today. His musical signature, the parties he organizes and his personal listen to the words friendly, honest and epic. The kind of artist people love to be entertained by, organizations want to cooperate with and everybody likes to see coming back. With several great releases under his belt on his own Click Records, Stefano is making fast a very good name as a producer.

Corren Cavini
Born in Haarlem, The Netherlands in 1996, Corren Cavini (Corné Kamminga) is a Dutch electronic musician with a talent for applying his unique harmonic approach to all aspects of the realm of house and techno. After a period of experimenting with various genres, it was his exposure to house and techno music that lead him to cultivate a signature sound and establish a personal style in the form of his alias Corren Cavini. Over the years, Corren Cavini’s sound shaped by the constant presence of emotion, harmonic tension and warmth put him on the map as one of the most prominent talents in his genre. Incorporating inspiration from modern visual art and cinema, the Dutch producer strives to tell stories that are close to his heart through his music. His progressive ethos sets him apart with tracks and DJ-sets that use a vibrant approach to house and techno, while remaining true to his underground roots. Through his own sets and support from international A-list DJ’s like Eelke Kleijn, Lane 8 and Sharam, his music has been heard around the world.

After a decade working behind the scenes – for Diplo, Quintino & Madcon to name a few – Dutch dj/producer Thomas Helsloot created an own outlet and dove into his preference for deep, progressive house music. The first bundle of productions included a draft of ‘Because You Move Me’ which became a big hit together with his Tinlicker buddies. With brand new music out on Get Physical, Domino and Astralwerks and releases plannned on This Never Happened and Get Physical again there’s really something cooking in studio Helsloot.

21:00-23:00 Helsloot
23:00-00:30 Corren Cavini
00:30-02:00 Stefano Richetta

Dit programma is onderdeel van het gratis te bezoeken LelySTART Festival, meer informatie over (gratis) tickets reserveren (verplicht in verband met het coronavirus) volgt later.

Wij houden ons aan de coronamaatregelen die gelden ten tijde van het evenement. Daarom is het – indien er niets verandert aan de maatregelen – bij dit programma verplicht om naast een geldig ticket, ook een coronatoegangsbewijs via de CoronaCheck-app te tonen aan de ingang. Een coronatoegangsbewijs kun je via de CoronaCheckapp of aanmaken met een negatieve testuitslag van maximaal 40 uur oud, een vaccinatiebewijs of een herstelbewijs van maximaal 6 maanden oud. Daar waar coronatoegangsbewijzen gelden, hoeft de anderhalve meter niet in acht te worden genomen.

Naar de agenda
LelySTART Afterparty: ECHO - Corneel